I often get the question from senior mom's...
"What do you do if it rains?"
I usually give a long winded answer that includes the option of wholesale rescheduling, or perhaps just doing the indoor and rescheduling the outdoor... OR... the third and most often thing that happens... we do the indoor... and at SOME point... if we hang around long enough... the rain stops and we dodge the rescheduling bullet.
Which is was we had happen with Paul.
Mr. Fienup had been in a couple weeks earlier with his pal, Ben Wollam and, if memory serves... he brought me a bit of thunder/lightning and rain that day, too... so I guess I'll just have to blame Paul. :)
Regardless... after a dry morning... it rained nearly all afternoon last Thursday as I went into "stall" mode in the camera room with Paul and his energetic mom, Janet.
We shot, and shot and shot some more... and finally, it seemed to have quit... so we snuck out... and got our outdoor done.
Only problem was... it wasn't REALLY done raining.
Fighting just enough spit from the sky to be annoying... we toughed it out... and it's a good thing too... because I had big plans for our Fienup duo.
I was told that it was a running joke about how Paul had been busted a couple of times by the authorities in his young driving career thus far. Once for speeding and once for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle (long story... just ask him). Both he and his mom evidently were good sports about it... so I decided what better way to handle Paul fighting the law... and the law winning... than to go RIGHT to the source.
Police headquarters in Marshalltown was the backdrop for a couple of fun images that I think Paul is most excited to trade walllets with his buddies now.
While in M-town... we hopped over to take advantage of the facilities at Marshalltown High School where our senior spends a lot of time as a baseball and football player for the hometown Bobcats. It was a lot of work moving the tarps from Paul's home (plate) away from home... but a catcher's gotta catch behind the dish... and we had no other choice. I suppose we could have taken the easy way out and went to another field... but that's not how we roll.
Lying face down in the muddy home plate area was worth it in the end though... because the images are solid and I got what I came to get for Paul.
Incidently... I've now been exposed a couple of times recently to the jungle noises of tropical birds screeching near The Roundhouse on recording to try to keep REAL birds from nesting in and around the facility. I sure hope that works... because it's not annoying or anything.
I can't end this blog without taking my proverbial hat off to Paul for being much more agreeable in the sports fan department.
Most of you probably don't remember the fact that I did Paul's sister's pictures a couple years back. I had become keenly aware of the Fienup's unfortunate ardent support of the St. Louis Cardinals. Being a Cubs fan... I went around and around with big sis... making sure that she had the "pleasure" of getting to see each and every one of my authentic Cubs jersey collection that day... along with a couple of menacing signs that greeted our confident Cardinal fan.
Fast forward a couple of years... and while Paul is probably just as big of a Cardinal fan as his sister... it wasn't brought up at all. Perhaps a result of both teams not playing very well (understatement for the Windy City boys... i can admit it) but Paul had a surprise for me.
A pleasant one.
We turned our focus to football... and for the SECOND consecutive session... I had a Hawkeye/Steelers fan on my hands!
I must be living right.
While neither senior had actual Hawkeye or Steeltown gear with them... they both had dressy attire that was not-so-subtly black and yellow.
So... just like Karlie before him... Paul got his version of the Black and Gold treatment... and I didn't have to suffer even one BIT to take the extra time to make that blended image!
Is it football season yet? All this black and gold has got me ready to tailgate! :)

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