We both wanted a chance to prove ourselves...
Kyle wanted the chance to show a classmate how it was done.
I wanted a shot at redemption.
Let me explain...
Back in June we photographed Kyle's fellow GMG hurdler, Emily Havelka... and when we posted her images, like the jokester that Kyle is... he proceeded to critique Em's form and technique.
It was on like Donkey Kong.
The verbal warfare was fun to follow between the competitors... I enjoyed it thoroughly... Oh sure... it was playful in nature... but it brought out the zingers from both sides of the fence.
So when Wednesday the 10th rolled around... it was Kyle's turn to show me how it's done.
While Emily "borrowed" BCLUW's track for her hurdle action, Team Barloon made it's way over to the GMG "home" track at South Tama. (the GMG Relays are hosted there annually).
I did some hurdling in high school... but was all kinds of terrible at it, so I couldn't tell you if Kyle was technically more correct that Emily (who has "scoreboard" by qualifying for state) but I can tell you that he didn't come as dangerously close to having an epic wreck on the track like Miss Havelka did back in June.
Perhaps it's a draw then?
I'm sure if you ask both seniors... they'll still claim superiority, and I've already photographed yet ANOTHER GMG hurdler (stay tuned for THAT) but I give them both mad props for nailing sweet images with the pressure on.
Speaking of pressure... I have to admit... I was afraid we may have hosed our chances of getting Kyle in the first place.
We had already photographed older brother Joe a couple years back... and in the midst of prepping for our biggest job of the year... I dropped the ball.
Spring is crazy around here with a couple proms... a couple dance studios... senior reorders.... and graduation announcements.
Kyle's mom, Anne had ordered brother Joe's invites... and I THOUGHT I had sent the order out... when I got the call...
"Are Joe's invites ready?"
They weren't ready... and I admitted that I screwed up.
The order was still sitting on the desk.
Going into full damage control... I sent the order away... gave Joe envelopes we had on hand... ordered 20 extra invites... upgraded to metallic paper.
Those that know me... know I don't make mistakes like that very often.
Within two days, the order was complete... but the damage was done... and I learned a lesson.
Don't lose focus.
Many of my GMG peeps had informed me that I had probably lost Kyle's senior business due to the error. And I was disappointed... we've photographed a PLETHORA of cousins from the Barloon/Parks/Boege/Strohbehn clan... but I didn't blame Anne and the Barloons.
It was my bad.
Somewhere along the line, I must have been forgiven... because I got the call... I got the shot at redeeming myself... and I can guarantee you this... Kyle's grad announcements will be back lickity-split this spring!
Thanks for the opportunity, gang. I don't take it lightly.

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