One of the best things about my job is doing something that people truly get excited for...
Some more than others... but it's usually there.
Especially among our senior girls.
They've looked around... they've planned... they've schemed... they've shopped... they've studied.
They book... and then they wait...
And sometimes they wait some more...
As excruciating as anticipation might be at times... that's half the fun.
Keya contacted me before the end of the school year. And wanted to wait nearly ALL summer before finally coming to see me in mid August.
I'll call her a "Blog Stalker"... Keya is a regular "liker" and "commenter" to my stories and images, which is great to see. However, it only served to ratchet up her excitement level for nearly three months.
Only July 21st... with nearly three weeks remaining until her session date... I get this post...
"So just saying....but seeing all these amazing pictures you've taken...makes me wish it was my turn. Like now! lol :)"
Finally on August 10th... it WAS her turn... and the wait was over.... or WAS it?
We banged out another fun session with the help of Papa Paul (always good to see a DAD along for a session for a change!). And while I felt good about how things went... and what we got.... I felt bad about something.
More waiting.
Faithful followers of our blog (including Keya) realize that it doesn't get any busier for us than August... and the work has started to bog down our normal turnaround time. So... when one shoots from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily without so much as a break for lunch... it doesn't leave much wiggle room for art/printing/blogging. Long story short... I knew Keya was in for more waiting.
She, like many others, have been totally understanding and, in fact, encouraging as I try to plow my way thru this mountain of jpgs daily in my 18x7 weekly schedule. (that's 18 hours... seven days a week... my Central College Math Minor tells me that's a garden variety 126 hour work week). Anyone that doubts that gauntlet can follow my H3 out of the garage daily at 4 a.m. after the 3:30 a.m. wake up call.
So, all the following... the encouragement... the blog stalking... and the excitement and anticipation... it makes it hard to NOT want to do all you can to put a smile on their face...
The payoff?
This morning's facebook post after seeing a few teaser images on
"BRYAN!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! I LOVE THEMMMMM!!!!! :D"
Worth waiting for.... for both of us.
Thanks, Keya. :)

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