In my previous blog post I talked about a young lady that waited three years for her turn after sitting in on her older sister's senior session.
Take that times three... and then some.
A full decade has passed since Lance Steward was in last.
George W. was President... The War on Terror began that year... It was the first year of the new Millennium.
I looked that all up on Wikipedia... which coincidentally was launched that year on the internet. :)
Laine Steward was photographed that year, and it was a day with some spotty showers and my trusty sidekick on that day was an energetic seven year old Lance Steward.
Right there to do anything he could to help... Lil' Lance was holding umbrellas, reflectors... you name it... he wanted to be where the action was.
I've watched Lance grow into the young man he is today through seeing him at our church in Ferguson and at East Marshall events. He's someone that his mama Kim can be very proud of.
He helps his dad farm, and I also learned that dude ain't no dummy either... They don't let slackers into the aerospace engineering program at state universities... just sayin'.
All that being said what I was most familiar with Lance was his ability to run.
He's been to state cross country with the team and as an individual qualifier, and this past spring he qualified in the Class 2A 1600 meter run. So when Lance came to me with an idea for his sports image... I figured it would have to do something with running.
It did.
If you look at the bottom of the first image you'll see where the real work was put in. No less than 14 individual images of Lance "running" from sport to sport as he does all year long... Cross Country-into-basketball-into track-into baseball. They are all represented with over 18 layers blended all together to get your finished result. Good idea my friend.
So Lance was the end of a busy week at the end of July. He, like many of my clients, have waited patiently this past week... Neither he nor I had any idea of what the next week was about to hold. As we found out in just a couple short days after his session, it was gonna be a week full of heartache, coming together to support one another, grieving our losses and ultimately, celebrating life.
Being further behind that I've ever been is gonna make me feel like I'm living through it all again in the blogs to come. I will be emotional to be sure.
Stay tuned.

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