Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pots, Painted Feet, a Pug... a Picture Frame and a Red-headed dame.

Sometimes we have a heads up... sometimes we don't.

This was more of the spring-it-on-ya variety.

Typically, my secretary Jennifer or I will ask senior clients when they book if they are planning on bringing anything with them for their session so we can make note of it.   A way to get our "game face" on for what's walking in the door, if you will.  

Sometimes we get a laundry list of requests and things that will be making an appearance... other times, the answer from mom on the phone is along the lines of, "nope... not that I'm aware of!"

Next to Morgan Hessenius' name in our books was her school, address, phone number.  But the aforementioned side notes?  Nada.

Experience with her older brother, Chase told me that an excitable mother named Dana would be making the trek.  Facebook told me we had a pretty red-headed Applebee's hostess coming in.  But the rest was a mystery.

And then she showed up.

Sure there were four very stylish outfits in tow... and Dana was there... and so was the Applebee's hostess, and several minutes later, all of their STUFF was unloaded.

It didn't take me long to get a read on Miss Hessenius.   Loads of pots and paintings as well as a huge frame and glitter and paint told me she was artsy.  The bright gerbera flowers covered her feminine side (as well as representing her families' business, The Isle of Green in Marshalltown).  And then there was the puppy.

The Naughty Pug as Dana coined her.

Scrunch faced Laila the pug was online for the duration... and she was anything but naughty for me... so I don't know WHERE they came up with that.  :)

In addition... a family joke about Morgan habitually threatening to run away as a child prompted a couple suitcases and trip down the tracks to be in order.

Speaking of trips, clearly a roadie to the Isle of Green and its garden center was in order... and since we were in Marshalltown... we had to do some urban stuff as well.

Add it all up, and it was just another in a long line of massive sessions this season that ran over schedule by several hours... but we wouldn't have it any other way.   It's her one and only chance to do this... so, at the end of the day, if Morgan wants to paint 2014 on the bottom of her feet.. those socks are coming off and we're doing it.

That's how we roll... with the punches... or the paint.

Thanks Team Hessenius... great to see you again.

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