Saturday, October 12, 2013

Runnin' and Strummin' with the future Dr. James Andrews

Sometimes I think I have a pretty good read on a kid... but just when I think I've got 'em all figured out, I learn something new.

Enter one Benjamin Terrones.

One of East Marshall's finest in the Class of 2014, I knew Ben could ball... I knew the dude could run like the wind... and I knew he could play anything with six-strings with the best of 'em.

What I DIDN'T know... was that Mr. Terrones has some serious smarts to go with all that.

Ranked at or near the top of the class, I asked Ben where he planned on taking those brains next fall as a college freshman.

"Duke, Texas, or maybe Vanderbilt."


Don't get that answer often in the camera room.

I took a step back.   I like to think of myself as being a fairly smart guy... but those are some high end institutions.

I pressed further... asking Ben what he wanted to do with his life.

"I'm thinkin' sports medicine... possibly a surgeon."

Double whoa.

Ever had that sinking feeling of being in the room with someone and then suddenly knowing that that person is like WAY smarter than you?   That was that.

I had seen Ben drain the 3 in a tight spot on the hardwood... out run nearly everyone around in a cross country race... jam out with his buddies from Minor Night in front of large crowds... but I had no idea that he was uber intelligent.

Backed into a corner, I came out swinging with my ace in the hole... sports journalism.

"So, Ben... a surgeon, huh?   Ya know... I listen to sports talk radio ALL the time... like every morning... and the ONE name you NEVER wanna hear if you're an athlete is 'Dr. James Andrews.... Ever heard of him?"

Ben:  Nope.

Suddenly feeling buoyed by my clear dominance of the topic, I pressed forward.

"Well... the reason you don't wanna hear that guy's name is because it mean you're hurt.   Like REALLY hurt.... Like needing SURGERY hurt."

For those of you that were as lost as Ben was on this topic, Dr. Andrews is the foremost expert with sports related injuries involving the shoulder, knee and elbow.  If you're a Major League pitcher with a elbow problem... you have Dr. James Andrews do the Tommy John surgery.

So, while Ben didn't know of this guy... his photographer did thru hours of sports talk radio listening... and I then informed Mr. Terrones that I fully expected him to become the NEXT Dr. James Andrews.

I set the bar high...  that's all. 

Once Ben's career path had been cemented, we went about our business of making amazing sports images... lettin' Ben flash his dazzlin' smile... bustin' out no less than 6 six-stringed instruments... and in classic Ben fashion... we let him get his ornery on as well.

I had mentioned in his buddy Drew Schossow's blog a month or so ago about the antics of these two when I made my annual treks to the high school in LeGrand for sports pictures.   Some of the things that these two yay-hoos have asked me to photograph over the years, made even me... a jokester my own right.... blush.

Those of you that know Ben and Drew, know they pull no punches in an attempt to make people laugh... and I felt like while we were near the end of Ben's session... I would be doing a disservice to the world if I didn't do SOMETHING outrageous with our comedic genius.

The result?  All we needed was a tiny ukulele, an open sky... a rockstar attitude and a smile to let us all in on the fun.   Sprinkle in a little Photoshop magic... and BAM.   Rockin' that ukulele like it's his job!

Just a tip to all seniors and senior parents... when I look at the back of the camera... and MY smile is broader than the broadside of an Iowa barn... and I giggle like a school girl?   You can bank on the fact that I'm up to something... and it's gonna be funny.

I could be wrong... and others might not share in the humor... but I think the result speaks for itself.

Did I mention it was nearly 100 degrees that day?   *EXHALE*... what a session!

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