Monday, October 28, 2013

Stonewalled! Vol. 1: Morgan Jay

In one of the happiest moments of my senior season Version 2014, I received a phone call from Micki Stonewall.

Mama Micki was giving us a jingle to set up not one senior session... but two.

The mother of brilliant twin senior girls, Micki needed to set up a couple of sessions.  There was just one problem...

We were waiting for braces to come off.

If anyone has had to play THAT game.   The will-they-finally-come-off-or-won't they carouse, it can be an exercise in extreme frustration.  Especially for those NEEDING senior images, but seeing the Fall window of opportunity, or it's closure, bearing down on them.

Fortunately for the Stonewall sisters, the braces came off... and it was on.  The last sessions in their photographer's 41st year on Earth, it was scheduled.

First up was Miss Morgan Jeanette.

I had recommended to Micki that we photograph the girls at opposite time slots in an effort to ensure the girls' images looked and felt different.  After all, that's why they had come to me in the first place... wanting something different.

So that Wednesday afternoon it was the long haired twin that volunteered to go first... and the one with the short doo would go the next morning (stay tuned for Madison's blog next, Stonewall Fans!).

But Wednesday was Morgz' turn.   The future Iowa State University kinesiology major that will eventually rule the physical therapy universe was ready to get movin' and I was ready to take our game on the road.

It was important for the girls to take some images at home in Bermuda triangle area in between Ferguson, Dillon and Gilman, so we took our afternoon trip to Casa de Stonewall.   The girls could tell I was in a photographer's playground with tons of vintage cars and outbuilding galore as we bounced from spot to spot creating Morgan originals... all the while keeping one eye on what would be available the NEXT day when I returned for Madi, with the same but opposite lighting scenario.

We dealt with the brisk winds and avoided the plethora of felines that were all-too-willing to help with the proceedings. and I felt great about what we got done there.

After that, we had a couple of urban-esque outfits that required a trip to the bricks and alleyways of the twin cities of Tama County.   I joked with Morgan when we saw several emergency vehicles and a TV news truck buzzing by that she was CLEARLY too  sizzlin' hot that the cops and media were being called in.  Truth is... something way more serious had went down just a block away... guess we couldn't stay out of harms way!

Once we escaped that unfortunate situation, we rolled back into Montour with a just a couple more have-to's left on the long docket.   Morgz wanted to rock it in the road... and on a railroad... and while our scrapes with death continued as we jumped off the tracks as a engine came rollin down the tracks, I knew that we had already set the bar WAY high.... but we were only halfway home.   I ran Morgan's color and got my tush on home and got to bed.  Because in just a few short hours... it would all begin again... with the gal that shared the other half of Micki's womb.  Could I rise to the same epically high level again?  Only time would tell...

Stay tuned...

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