The fun thing about my job is getting to know so many people from the area a little better. I've heard about many of our seniors before they get to me whether it may be from a friend that was in... or reading about them in the newspaper... Facebook... or whatever.
So Haddie here, from what I could gather, had a reputation for perhaps the biggest smile. I had been warned by classmates..... "Have fun with Haddie's smile! It's insane big!"
Well, I was NOT disappointed. The smile was everything I had anticipated and more... I only hope I did it justice... I know this... I saw a lot of it Wednesday afternoon, and I THINK it was because of the fun we were having. This kid was a blast... and has a zest for life that kept me going several hours into another 5 outfit session.
Haddie was game for almost anything... and I tip my cap to her as she's a little over a month removed from something that I'm sure has been tough for her to take.
June 15, 2009..... Top-ranked BCLUW was facing South Hardin in what would be yet another North Iowa Cedar League West Division victory for the talented Comets. The girls in Black-n-Gold eventually rambled on to an epic run through the post season that ended with a state championship in Fort Dodge. The only problem was, it was without their starting centerfielder and sparkplug near the top of the order.
For you see, sometimes life deals us crummy hands... and Haddie tore up her knee on that Monday night back in June.
Season over for #20.
I can't pretend to act like I know all the feelings that must have been going through her mind over the past month as she was there to support her awesome teammates as they lived out the kind of season that all athletes dream about. Bittersweet to be sure.
The blessing here is that there's another season to be played for Hadelyn...
A title to be defended....
While that slide into third base took away the rest of her season... it didn't take her smile.
And for that... I'm thankful.