Kendra was our senior at the end of the week and she was less then 48 hours removed from what will go down as an epic moment in her school's history as her BCLUW Comets endured and survived a SIXTEEN inning sectional final to advance to the state tournament, 1-0.
One run.... sixteen innings. The knife cutting the tension doesn't suffice here, folks.
My guess is that Miss Kendra here got very little sleep between Wednesday night and Friday morning at 8 a.m. when her session began. Too much celebration and just down right giddyness (is that a word?) for all things Comets. Clearly the communities that make up BCLUW had paid their dues with back-to-back 1 run losses in sectional finals in the past two seasons....... and needless to say... the topic DOMINATED our conversation during the session Friday. Good friend, Kylee (starting centerfielder) was along for the ride to be the "hair-czar"... and let me tell you... i could hire the girl permanently to make sure gals look their best... 'cause she was all over it and Kendra looked FAB! Woot!
Anyway... the excitement was palpable as we were discussing the weekend practice schedule... first round opponent Wilton..... and wow... i'm just excited for them just typing this. You just can't beat small communities making the state tournament.... I'm so happy for them... (and it doesn't hurt that over half the starting lineup is coming to me for senior images!). Momma Jane was on the horn almost the entire session trying to coordinate the pickup of the state t-shirts with the manufacturer and UPS... it was just flat out crazy.
To the point... I just had a blast being a part of it in my own little way.... I did my best to try to bring out that excitement and sense of accomplishment with her softball images below... And, incidentally... her "regular" outfits are nothing to complain about.... the girl was in the zone... no doubt about it. ;-)
Best wishes to Coach Lee and the Comets all next week... Bring home the State Title....
I think you can.

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