Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Tanner was our MHS visitor on Tuesday afternoon and i was giving he and his mother, Traci a joke that I've mentioned for years about making sure fellas leave saying..."it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be." Tanner admitted early on in the first outfit (of four) that I had already succeeded in attaining my goal.

I had a TOTAL blast in talking to Momma Traci about old times as she and I graduated in the same year from high school (1990... sorry to date ya, Trace). I'm finding that maybe it's not such a good thing that some people know my history... but regardless... fun to travel down memory lane!

Anyway, the Tan-Man and I rocked out the paintball image by lighting the gun barrel on fire.... Should my insurance agent know about this? :-)

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