First of all, let me just say... I refuse to listen to any whining about 8 a.m. sessions any longer as Marissa here came from over an hour away... alarm was set for 4:30 a.m... dolled up, loaded up and AT Stewart Photography Headquarters by 7:34 a.m. CDT. That's dedication, gang. And, why not? She was on tap for our ROCKSTAR session.
Loyal readers of our blog (Marissa's mom, Carol, being one of our biggest followers, btw) remember just a couple weeks back when we did Jessie's rockstar event. Looking back... Jess took it easy on me. ;-)
Marissa and I got through FIFTEEN outfits before we both cried uncle and collapsed in a heap in the middle of the street. Ok... we didn't collapse... but we were in the middle of the street. The top image in the blog here was right at the very end... and in fact... in the middle of the street. Love it.
Marissa and her mom made it really easy to bend over backwards for. Why? Because I could tell that they had a true love for photography themselves. In fact, Marissa brought in her Nikon D50 (a Nikon girl! WOO HOO!) and we got some super cool stuff from one artist to another.
She does soccer... she does volleyball... she does dance... she does photography... she does straight... she does curly... she shops with the best of 'em... Her boyfriend even spells his Bryan with a Y in the middle. It's all good. Enjoy the plethora of images where ALL 15 outfits are represented. And keep in mind folks... all this and no $400 session fee. In fact... no session fee at any level... at any time.
P.S. Shout out to sister Jennifer (Iowa Valley Marengo, '02) Don't you dare let those pouty lips pout about lil' sis having way more images.... digital is a different era, girl. Your 75 poses back in the day was a TON for film. :-)

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