It's not THAT far away... we've certainly had some come from further. Mom had been turned to us by someone at work and knew that her daughter had found a photographer to bring out the best image depicting her passion for track.
In fact, this girl trains so much... it's my understanding when she SHOULD have been primping for her 1 p.m. session... she was out squeezing in another mile run. Musta wanted to look extra fab for her session... and if that's the case, the images below tell me she was!
The session was so much fun for her as she was big pimpin' in the H3... sharing SO many laughs with her mom and sophomore friend Maddi "The Crime Dog." The highlight of the day was at the VERY end, however, as I couldn't let her go without a whammy at the end of the session.
As it was mentioned... the crux of her trip was to get a wicked track image. We'd done our series of images and I decided that we should light her shoes on fire as a capper on the day. She, like most seniors, thought that lighting ANYTHING on fire would be cool... so we did it. I coach 'em up... show 'em how it's done... give them all the precautions... assure them that it's safe and we'll be just fine.
Well... you can see from the track image below that we DID get the image... but it was the getting-the-flames-blown-out-part that the girls struggled with. So, Morgan here is holding these two track-shoes-turned-torches and can't get them blown out. Luckily, I still have a little 4x100 speed still in me as I sprinted over... and used my REAL talent (lots of wind) and got those suckers extinguished.
Alas, the studio was saved.

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