Kels had visited during Keely's session back on July 7, and at THAT point... was undecided on which studio to have her senior portraits done by. Evidently, I did just enough that day to convince this young lady that right HERE is where she, too, wanted to be.
Thanks, Keely... for letting Kels use your session as a fact-finding mission. You're alright, for a Cardinal fan. :-)
So, we got Kelsey in the house, and an additional perk was catching up with someone from my distant past. Kelsey's mother, Teresa, babysat me and my two siblings WAY back in the day a few times. Evidently I was an angel, per usual, cause Teresa had no stories to share that day. ;-) In fact, if there WERE any dirt from days-gone-by, I'm pretty sure it would have come to light on Thursday. Why? Because after reuniting as adults, I learned that not only did Teresa and I go to the same high school back in the 1980s... but it became clear that mom and I also attended the same school of ornery-ness. In fact, I think we both have a master's degree in Sarcasm, with a emphasis in Smartaleck. Let's just say that between Teresa's and I's stories, Kelsey was rolling her eyes and wanting to crawl into a corner at least once or twice per outfit change. ;-)
She survived it, however, and hopefully the images we produced justified Kelsey's choice made back on July 7. I think you have sound decision-making.

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