I've watched this young man grow up over the past decade and a half.
Always polite... a quiet leader... choosing to let his actions speak on and off the field. His school's best football player... and one of the state's best 171-pounders on the mat (4th, 2nd, 3rd in Class 2A... one more number to get there, Samuel, to complete your very own "Sam-Cycle") Clearly, the guy has a lot going for him... and bringing that to light was an adventure for both he and I and his 'rents, Trent and Michelle.
I can't be for sure... but I think Sam's wrestling collage may set the studio photoshop record for total layers. There's 20 plus layers that comprise this mega-collage... check it out... it's massive... and if you look closely... you'll see something different everytime you look at it.
We didn't stop there, however. Mama Michelle has suggested that perhaps we go to the East Marshall wrestling room... and in his typical humble way... Sam brushed it off and said, "nah... we don't have to do that." My interpretation? No means yes... and off we went. The results were sweet if I may say so... no less than three images shown here below from the room that Sam has poured his blood sweat and probably a few tears into while in high school. I hope the images are worthy of a guy that will very likely end up breaking the school's career victory record when he's done over former Mustangs Brett Rosedale, Brooks Kopsa and Keven Bjelland (all former Stewart Photography seniors, I might add.... I think I sense a trend!)
Finally, our last spot was trip to Lake Upton. Never heard of it? Neither had I... but I had been there before with Sam's good friend Dustin a couple years back. It's the lake just east of Ferguson that is left by the mining done by Martin Marietta. Some of this lake sits on property owned by the Upah and Hamilton families... hence the name... Upton. Ok... it's not a official name... but that's how they refer to it fondly.
Anyway... as a perk to the job... I got a refreshing ride around lake Upton in the Upah boat to cap the session... I won't forget that anytime soon. Good times.... thanks gang.

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