If you've been paying attention to our blog, you know that we photographed this gals twin sister just the other day. Tuesday to be exact.
Wednesday it was Nicole's turn. Through my journalism-trained brain, I found out that Nicole here was the 2nd born by just one minute in this dynamic duo. Second born.... second photographed... Her sister is the softball pitcher for the state champion BCLUW Comets... and those that have ever kept score in a baseball/softball game know that THAT is position "1".... Nicole is the catcher...... the position number? Well, "2" naturally.
Could things be any more perfect?
I'm beginning to wonder with these two.
Someone is doing something WAY right with these kids as I had mentioned on Tuesday that my impressionable young 12-year old daughter really looked up to them even though they played at a rival school. The girls brushed this off in a humble manner that anyone that knows them figured that they would do.
However, what happened just prior to Nicole's session on Wednesday will be something that I'll never forget.
In comes the twins and mom for another marathon session... And before we could start even talking outfits and gameplan...... out pops a softball.
No surprise there... right? I mean we're only talking about two of the state's finest players, right?
"We want your daughter to have this......."
It was a ball with both of their signatures on it.
Totally selfless.... and unprompted. I was so taken aback. I swallowed hard and looked up at these gals, who owed me nothing....I just told them thank you for such a thoughtful gift as it was all I could do to keep from letting them see a grown man tear up in front of them.
I work with teens everyday... more often than not... they are like I WAS at that age..... self-centered... cocky... too cool for school.
Folks, these gals have earned the right to be teens.... probably even to be a little cocky... their accomplishments are off the charts.... but it seems so far from their nature..... and it was just refreshing to see them be everything that you would hope that you own children would be someday.
Keeters.... Niner.... you gals are keepers. I tip my hat to you.

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