It can be a touchy subject to be sure... but what it is to Tiffany is this...
It's life.
Life doesn't always go as we plan. A senior year is supposed to be about ruling the hallways, fun with friends, college visits... And worrying about trivial stuff... what to wear to the Homecoming dance... who's dating whom... should I take the ACT one more time?
Most don't plan on bringing in another life into the world at this point, but that's what we have here as Brayden Chandler was born just under three months ago.
Undoubtedly, Tiffany's life and priorities have changed dramatically. Worrying about running to the mall with friends has been replaced with a general lack of sleep, feedings, diaper changes and all things Brayden. It would be really easy to NOT want to have all these new responsibilities at such an age... but young Brayden is counting on Tiff... and she, along with loving family and friends are stepping up to meet the challenge.
I can't even imagine what this young gal is going through. I know this... she doesn't want my sympathy or pity. The love that I saw when she held her son in her arms... and the joy that I saw from Tiff's mom, Alison, when she would lend all the help that grandmothers always do, told me all I needed to know.
So, while the path she's traveled is different what Tiff had probably thought it would be... there's still fun to be had... and it's my hope that for just a little while on Friday morning, she got to be "just a senior" if only for a few hours.
Brayden is precious... Thanks for sharing him with us.

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