Our best advertising has always been word of mouth.... an army of seniors and typically senior mom's out there... on the ground... doing our work for us.
Bust your hind quarters, treat people how you'd like to be treated and let the work speak for itself. It's worked for 16 years here... and another case and point happened Tuesday morning.
Logan made the trek from New Sharon for his senior session. How does a guy end up here from there? Because someone told them to, of course.
In this case, the lovely and talented Morgan Fleener (see Burnin' down the house - 8.27.09) happened to take her preview book to the first home football game back in August and that book made it's way into the hand of one Donna Spoelstra (that's a good Dutch name for those of you scoring at home). Donna had seen lots of good work locally... but, like Morgan... wanted something different.
Different she wants... different she gets. ;-)
Logan will be the first to admit that he's a simple fella that wasn't overly excited about the process... but I do know one thing... he's living the dream this fall. Why's that? It's because he's the starting safety on the Class A No.5-ranked football team, that's why.
North Mahaska's Warhawks are sitting at a perfect 7-0 heading into Friday's game against BGM... and if they can get past that one... undefeated and No.1-ranked North Tama will host the Warhawks to close the regular season. Tell me THAT wouldn't be fun to watch! Regardless, Logan and his teammates are going to get to the state playoffs... and folks... it doesn't get much better for a high school senior to know that all that hard work that began in the weightroom and on the practice field is going to end among the state's best in the chilly October air.
Congrats #80... finish strong.

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