Chose the photographer (with some 'help' from a friend... thanks Chris!)... scoured the website... followed the blog... studied backgrounds... even determined a must have shot for her son.
That shot? Being on the highway...... only it doesn't stop there... Gotta incorporate the motorcycle.
A tall order, to be sure... but Melanie had seen some of our previous images done this way... guys and gals alike... in the middle of T-47.... or Old Highway 30... looking like rockstars...
I told Mel that we ideally needed a cloudy day for this dream to become reality... and evidently the photography gods were smiling down on me Friday afternoon... because that's EXACTLY what we got.
So Austin's Triumph rocket is now captured forever in exactly the way that Mom wanted. I have no doubt that Austin likes it, too. However... Austin wanted something more.
The 6-foot-5 rider had chimed in on Facebook last week wanting to know if we could pull of a wheelie shot. I told him I was game for that... he said Mama Mel was not.
So... I wasn't sure how exactly we were gonna pull this off with Mom right by our side the entire way... but during the consultation portion... as mom's will sometimes do with their sons as they go from being boys into men... she allowed a little slack.
"Greenlight, my man!"
That was just the crease Austin and I needed... and the wheelie shot is below.
Finally... we had a visit from one other member of the Ewalt family Friday as sister Ashley made a trip home from Iowa State to work in some images with her not-so-little bro. We got several cool shots of them together... but i like the lines of the one on the tracks.

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