Molly told me at the beginning of her session that the ONE thing that we had to make sure we did was to go to her home to take some images.
Problem was... the radar was dotted with some scattered showers in the area.
We had five outfits to plow through... so there wasn't time to dally... so we did a little indoor in the first outfit and then hopped in the H3 and headed towards the Hoskey homestead north and east of Toledo.
Immediately... it started to sprinkle... then rain... then more sprinkling... and I thought... Uh oh, we may get "stuck."
Well... on our way... I asked Molly Jo what she did for fun in her spare time.
Her answer?
I said, "work?... I said 'spare time,' WORK doesn't count."
She explained that she kinda liked it... and that's pretty much what she does.
Mol's "spare time" then, is spent dutifully at The Big T Maidrite there at the junction of Highway 30 and Highway 63. I've evidently done well there this year as I know of a couple of other co-workers/classmates that told me they work there as well (yo! Natasha and Courtney!)
Anyway... I found it fitting that on this Labor Day that I was working on a fellow work-a-holic's preview book and blog.
Back to the session, however... We finally got out to her folks' place and drove down to the pond area that her family enjoys on sunny days... Only problem was... it wasn't sunny on THIS day. In fact, we had a tough 30 or 40 minute wait for the rain to cease... I was debating hard on whether to pull the plug and head back to the studio... but eventually our patience paid off... we got the pond... the out buildings... the big John Deere... even an image or two by their brand new home on the hill... and then we made our way back.
I'm happy to report... Molly didn't make me drop her off at work on our way by the Big T on the way back... and we got her entire session in.

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