They had done their homework.
I mean... REALLY done their homework.
Amanna's mom, Becky had called a couple months back inquiring about our services for her daughter. They were wanting something different than what all her friends had done. They had an idea... and had already called and gotten our info.
In that info is a flyer that we send out called "About Your Photographer." Some would call it my bio. I call it a bunch of lies about how cool I am. ;-). In that flyer, it mentions that I'm an alum of The Central University of Iowa (also known as Central College) in Pella.
Armed with that information, Becky and Amanna figured they had themselves a built in Pella tour guide that just so happened to be a decent photographer.
So the challenge was on... I told 'em it would take a bit of a sacrifice as I wanted them an HOUR earlier than our normal 8 a.m. start time, and at 6:56 a.m., in rolls the Berthusen ladies... ready for our roadie.
We started at Pella's own Holland-esque canal area called the Mullengraat... and what a spot this is for a shooter. The buildings, angles (and classic Pella cleanliness and decor) was fun to use as our personal playground for the morning. We also made are way around the square and adjacent streets and I think I said we were "done" several times, only to then bang out four or five more images walking back to the H3 to change outfits.
Amanna and her mother were so much fun. We talked about SO much stuff. I was particularly pleased to TRAP these ardent Iowa State fans in the Hawkeye Hummer for a few hours... and to think... they didn't hold it against me! (Amanna's dad is a former MHS and Cyclone great... who actually spent some time in the NFL playing for New York's Football Giants, as well).
Our trip couldn't be complete without a trip over to my old stomping grounds on campus at Central. I got to see the old pond that I got tossed into 3 times on my birthday... Gaass Hall were I lived for 3 years... We shot by the Geisler Learning Resource Center for a bit... turned some heads over by Douwstra Auditorium...
In the end... all the planning paid off with another session that i felt like we really hit on the screws. Thanks for the extra commitment, ladies!

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