I never woulda guess it right away... but eventually I got it figured out.
Crystal and her son Levi rolled in at 8 a.m. Tuesday and I swear the dude was sleep walkin' on the way in the door. His mom told me he wasn't really awake... and then proceeded to tell me that he NEVER takes a good picture... and I wondered if I was in for it.
Reality? Anything further from the truth... Levi woke up... and the part that I left out about Crystal telling me that Levi didn't have a serious bone in his body was a little closer to what I was gonna get out of this session.
Truth is... subtract 20 years from my age... and Levi and I would be best of friends.... why? Pretty much you have to be a card carrying member of Sarcasm Specialists if you're gonna get on my good side... and let's just say that Levi is my brother from another mother in that area. Look at some of these expressions.... ORNERY.
It was also offered up (and his clothing selections backed this up) that Levi is a not-afraid-to-get-his-hands-dirty-on-the-farm kinda guy. So they were wondering if there was ANY WAY I could bring that out for them.
Ask, and you shall receive.
We roadied to my folks place in Gilman to get him the old tractor/barn/axe wielding mad-man look that he was seeking. However... there was ONE twist that I hadn't planned on. However, what Levi learned... is that when you put to ornery minds together... a camera... a sweet-as-heck-camper-instead-of-a-hot-rod-car, and what do you have? Image #2 below here. Be careful what you wish for, buddy. (As the Petersens were leaving Tuesday... Levi declared that they WILL be getting a 20x30 gallery wrap of the camper) SWEET.
If you look at the last image at the bottom you'll see just another taste of what I got all morning as Levi flashed me 'the gun' in conjunction with 'the wink' which to those that know this guy... that'll come as no surprise. Funny story... as we were ready to take our very last image of the day... I couldn't let it end without requesting "the guns" again hoping he'd do something similar as to what you see at the bottom there. Levi's response? Flexing his arms, of course. While he won't get accused of having pythons worthy of having two tickets to the proverbial GUN SHOW... it was funny. For the record... he did bust out the six-shooters one more time... but you'll have to ask to see his book. That's right... that's called a tease in the industry.
After a couple of tear-jerker blogs in a row, I suppose I was due to bust out a funny one. Thanks Levi and Crystal for a change of pace, and for allowing me to break the Petersen Brothers Rules For Guy Posing.

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