Oh there's exceptions of course...
A sibling or a friend comes along... maybe even grandma... sometimes a boyfriend.
Most of the time, however, it's senior... and senior mom.
Friday was no exception... the part that got me giggling, though... is the fact that I wasn't sure, WHO was more excited to be here!
Megan was pretty easy goin... She had gotten to us thru a friend/competitor that she knew from track and field from her area... so she wanted one of our trademark sports collages... but other than that... she was an open book.
Mom on the other hand....
Mama Carla was so much fun for me. Just giddy over being here... and I don't think she stopped laughing the entire time.
Funny story for you... Carla isn't the FIRST to do this... but she may have done it the MOST.
Moms sit over to the side of our camera room while we're shooting... so... they are looking at their son or daughter from the chairs on the side... They sit to my camera left as I'm looking at the subject. I'll give directions to the senior on how to stand... where to put their hands... where to turn their head... how to adjust the way they sit... how their hair should be adjusted.
Funny thing is... sometimes moms will compensate.
I'll tell the senior to swing their chin or head more toward the main light... and THEN, in my peripheral vision... I'll see mom doing the EXACT same thing off to the side!!!
I had noticed it a couple of times... and THEN Carla caught HERSELF doing it! We got to laughing about it... it's just in a parent's nature to want to "help" out their kids in any way they can... And a little extra body language off to the side certainly can't hurt anything... but it was hilarious nonetheless.
Megan was a trooper for her session as she's currently on the DL for BGM's volleyball team as she has tweaked her knee real recently. It's my hope that by now, Megz is back in the fold for the Bears, and if not already... then very soon.
The girl really excels at the shot and disc in track. She finished 10th a year ago in the disc... and was South Iowa Cedar League champ in both the shot and disc. I'm guessing she qualifies for both at state this season. And now that she has Stewart Photography Karma on her side... you can put it in the bank! ;-)
Thanks for getting my weekend off to a great start, ladies!

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