Tuesday was one of THOSE days....
Rain on the way... not sure WHEN it was gonna hit...how long it was gonna last... should I call them and have 'em come early? Wait until later?
Tessa's mom, Brenda called and we talked it over... and we decided to get a jump on it and see what happened.
What happened was that the Dinsdales drove through a torrential downpour to get here and spent the greater part of 3 hours with me shooting indoor only.
Just about when we were about ready to give up and reschedule the outdoor for another day... the skies dried up and we were back in business!
So, in THIS case... we dodged the bullet.
However, during the indoor portion... I learned about a case where Tessa wasn't so lucky.
Our young lady here is the goal keeper for Gladbrook-Reinbeck's soccer team.
Last spring, with just two weeks remaining in the regular season... disaster struck.
As a parent, I'm not quite sure how I could've handled what happened to Tessa... and talking to Brenda... I could tell it still bothered her.
Long story short, Tess took either a foot or a knee to the mouth against Independence, and from what the ladies tell me... it was insane gory.
She lost her center and later incisors and the roof of her mouth collapsed... only oral surgery could fix the damage.
I'm happy to report that, while she has a partial... and is awaiting eventual implants, Tessa's smile on this day, could not be more beautiful. Even more importantly, she's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out as she continued what I've found to be a larger-than-ever contingent of young senior Christians that are not afraid to show their faith by bringing in their Bibles and wanting that shown in image and verse.
Something that was as traumatic as this was could really be devastating to some 17 year olds. Especially in today's society that puts so much stock in appearance and our Earthly bodies. I found Tess to be refreshing of how she's taken it all in stride. She even playfully had me take an image or two with her partial taken out. And while she preferred I didn't share it with the world wide web... she probably won't have an issue having a laugh or two with ya if you ask to see her previews.
Neat gal, all around.... and while I wouldn't have minded seeing Tessa and her mom again if we had to reschedule... I was glad we dodged the bullet this time around. ;-)

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