Mom just wasn't gonna win on this day.
Oh she tried... and tried again.... and again.
Yet, each and every time her son brought down the hammer.
"No, Mom."
"Mom... No."
It was my second go-around with Lee Groth. The first was a couple years ago with her oldest daughter, Lindsey. This time, it was Austin's turn.
A young man who knows what he wants... we also found out what he DIDN'T want.
In talking with Mama Lee in advance to the session... I was told we were going to start the session at the Tama Aquatic Center because Austin is a lifeguard there. Fair enough. In addition... if we could get him coming off the diving board, that would kinda bridge the difference between now and yesteryear when Austin was a young gymnastics champion.
I got the call early that Friday morning.
"I guess we're not going to the pool," Lee said.
Veto number one.
With Lindsey, we photographed her with several horses. I was told that we may go to grandma's place to do something similar since horses are such a big part of the Groth family.
Nada. That's veto number two.
In the meantime... we DID go to GMG's "home" track at South Tama High School and got some killer images of something that Austin really DID wanna do. A state hurdler... I got my third Wolverine hurdler "workout" in this senior campaign. Pals Emily and Kyle already had B.A. hurdle images of their own, and yet I felt like we got some distinctively different images for Austin as well. I'll let the three teammates argue as to who's are the best. :)
So after an hour there at the track... Lee thought she'd try one more time.
"You SURE you don't wanna go to the pool?"
We did make it to Grandma's place for some outdoor, but horses were NOT involved. After an hour of blazin' heat there, it was back to the studio.
Mom was running around trying to track down Austin's basketball uniform, which she found. But while doing so... she also stumbled upon Austin's trumpet. (which I'm told he pretty fair at... if not outstanding).
Would our reluctant senior guy take just one shot with the horn... maybe just so grandma could have it?
That's at least three vetoes by my count. Perhaps four if you wanna count the gymnastics snub.
I had to giggle at the banter back and forth... and hats off to Lee for giving it her best shot... but when you're dealing with Mr. Veto, one doesn't stand much of a chance.
One other item that made it past Austin's strict line of defense, was his 2008 Hyundai Tiburon.
Unfortunately, it had been damaged badly in that horrific wind storm the Garwin area was impacted with severely about a month ago. A little body work, a paint job and a couple week delay (which was ok since the PHOTOGRAPHER is about two weeks behind anyway)... and we were back in the saddle with Austin and his Tiburon just yesterday.
Feels like old times taking some pictures and having them ready the next day.
I have little doubt that Austin will veto the idea of coming to get his preview book today... but one never can tell. Maybe since I'm telling him and not his mom...
In all seriousness. The Groths were a lot of fun yet again. Thanks guys.

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