When I last left you, we were at the beginning of a heavy run of BCLUW seniors...
And while the next senior in line isn't a Comet... she IS black-n-gold.
West Marshall black-n-gold.
Abbey told me she wanted to go to a studio that was different than where most of her friends were going... so it just so happened to work out well for her to go to the same studio her brother went to a couple years back. Not only did she want different... she want a LOT of it.
We only do a few of 'em a year, and Abbey jumped into our ROCKSTAR category. All day.. unlimited outfits... and somehow we take what is already the craziest experience in the area for senior images and get craziest-er. :)
You woulda thought I was indeed photographing a famous rockstar with all the heads that were turning in town when Abbz jumped in her little zebra striped number with her heels. Rural towns in these parts aren't used to seeing that kinda action on a regular basis, so it's hard to blame the rubberneckers!
The last I had seen Abbey was the fall after her brother's senior session. She'd be the first to admit that she was going through that "awkward" stage at that point... trying to find herself... the braces... you get the picture.
Fast forward a couple years, and there can be no mistaking she's found her stride. An accomplished cheerleader for the state's no.2 ranked football team, a long time dancer and most recently, a homecoming queen candidate... there's no doubt... the girl has mad game. Add in her trademark look of half wink/half sticking her tongue out (see cheer collage)... and you get the idea of what kinda playful gem I had to "endure" that Tuesday.
I'm just thankful she had homecoming last week to keep her distracted while I was trying to find time to finally get around to her images!
But the wait is now over and Abbey and Mama Theresa will have their work cut out for them as they plow through a scad-load of images. I think they got the picture about halfway through the session that perhaps they were digging themselves quite a proverbial hole... and I'm not gonna lie, they were right.
Congrats on making Homecoming Court, Abbey... here's a capper to a crazy week for ya! Enjoy!

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