There's a line on our senior contract that we have our clients sign that says, "Date of Birth."
And for the first time in well over 3,000 seniors that I've photographed over the past 18 years... I didn't need to ask this one to fill that in.
I did it myself.
When Kylynn came in for her senior session last Friday, her mom, Chariti found that date already filled in for her on her daughter's contract. Clairvoyance? Psychic? A higher power?
Nah... On June 11, 1994, my wife and I were married on a sweltering hot day in Gilman. A few miles down the road, my bride's first cousin, Brett, saw the birth of his only daughter, Kylynn Brette.
That Friday's senior wasn't just ANY senior. She's family. And not only is she family... but she's forever linked to Tara and I with our common bond on the calendar.
As we've watched Kylynn grow up over the years, my wife and I have always thought, "look at that girl... THAT's how old our marriage is!"
So the girl that was born on the same day our marriage was born, was in need of some senior pictures and I felt really blessed.
Not only did I marry the most beautiful girl in the world that day in our hometown, but a baby girl was given birth hat has quite obviously grown into a beautiful young lady.
Kylynn has been to our home for birthday parties and we've been to countless family events for my wife's HUGE Tama/Toledo clan... but this whole senior picture thing makes me feel like I've finally gotten to really know her. Thoughtful, kind, understanding, athletic, funny and ornery as all git-out, this one is a gem that the whole family can be proud of.
I hope that after an amazing morning with Kylynn that included yet another road trip with lots of laughs and ribbing both ways, that not only did I get to know she and her mother a lot better, but I also became more than just Tara's photographer husband to them. ;)
The girl has been going through a trying time the past three months as her longtime boyfriend, Nick Clancy has been away at basic training in California. It's my understanding that she was reunited with him just this weekend for the first time in what seems like FOREVER to her. I get to meet Nick on Friday when they come in for some images together. In the meantime, here's a capper on your awesome weekend, Miss Kylynn.
Thanks for choosing me... you know I don't take it lightly. ;)

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