A couple of years back when Kathi was in with her son Tyler, it rained.
And then it rained some more.
Showing some serious resolve and creativity, the three of us got through Tyler's session and avoided having to pull him out of school another day and Kathi didn't have to take yet another day off of work.
Fast forward a couple of years and in what can only be described as poetic justice, Kathi's next experience with us was on a near PERFECT day.
Team Brandon then took full advantage, and we were on the road again. (i know... big shocker).
We interrupted P.E. class at GMG to get some images at the football field and then were off to pick up some more urban stuff at Marshalltown.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention another appearance by now habitual job shadow, Dana Moses from Iowa City. Dana was my right hand gal for Brandon's session and, as always, was a big help and lots of fun for all of us.
I should also give a big shout out to Brandon's gal and Stewart Photography alum, Courtney Simon! Not sure I forgive her for not making a repeat appearance for the session, but I wanted to say hi nonetheless.
Finally, I must mention that the usually unsinkable theory of Stewart Photography "karma" that I have discussed before... evidently isn't ALWAYS a lock.
I had mentioned it a couple blogs back when BCLUW's Cole Thompson had parlayed his appearance here and then forthcoming karma into a couple BIG performances on the gridiron for the Comets. Call it coincidence or a stroke of good fortune... I've often taken credit where absolutely no credit is deserved!
That being said... I told Brandon that he, too, would have a big game that coming Friday where they, ironically enough, played BCLUW.
Mr. Lolwing informed me that not only did they lose the game, but he also sustained a concussion.
Guess I'll stick to takin' pictures and get out of the supernatural powers department. :)

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