If you're not a fan of the BCLUW, you might not want to pay attention to our blog here over the next several posts...
In a stretch that ran from a Monday to the next Monday, we had seven senior sessions and FIVE of them were Comets. Add that to the eight amazing kids we had already seen from up Conrad-way... and you get the picture... it's been another banner year for Stewart Photography in the towns of Beaman, Conrad, Liscomb, Union and Whitten.
Courtney was the first in our burst of black-n-gold and with each and every session that we've thrown on the pile from the same school, it's gotten increasingly more difficult to try to keep each session unique and different. Most know that I'm as sensitive to that as anyone, so that could only mean one thing...
And this time we went to a place I hadn't been in awhile. Courtney, Mama Tammy and I hopped in the H3 and buzzed down to Grinnell for some action on its streets. It was a quiet Monday and we found very few disturbances in the downtown area, although we did have one little hiccup.
The wind!
In what became an exercise in frustration for Courtney, the steady breezes took Court's cute little do and turned it upside down on several occasions. My Comet sources tell me that Miss Amundson thought after her session that her "indoor ones should be good." As if to suggest that the outdoor ones wouldn't be.
With all due respect... I think that she'll be pleasantly surprised with her high degree of wrongness. :)
No less than ten of the twelve images I decked out for this blog are of the outdoor variety... so one could easily deduce that the artist that created the images respectfully disagrees with the assessment of the outside portion of our Monday.
On thing that we DID do inside was yet another killer Comet sports collage. They have some pretty salty athletes in this class up there... and one could make an argument that none are better than this girl.
In a stroke of fortune that saw the Amundson's move back to the Conrad area Courtney's sophomore year, the school picked up a three year point guard in hoops, their defensive stalwart at shortstop on their always outstanding softball team and their quarterback on the court in volleyball as she runs things from her setter spot there.
So the girl can run the show, that much we know. What I didn't know was what a sweetheart she is. Several of her friends that were in before her told me in advance of how nice Courtney is... and she didn't disappoint. And as the Comets head into Homecoming week this coming Monday, I wasn't surprised to hear that her peers elected her to represent them on their court of queen candidates. Congratulations!
I also found out at the session that despite all that's going for her, Courtney does have one flaw. Evidently in her time that she spent growing up in Wisconsin, she became a Packer fan.
I guess I'll have to admit that being a fan of the current World Champions probably ain't so bad either.
Some girls have all the luck.

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