Sometimes I can struggle to find an angle on what to blog about.
Not this time.
In a session that had a plethora of options for me to take from before, during and after the actual shoot, I decided that I'll try to cover 'em all.
First of all Jordan's mom and I go way back. Earlier this summer I had my first ever high school classmate bring me a senior to be photographed. Jordan is the second such instance as LDF-SEMCO Class of 1990 grad, Micah (Reece) Gorder, and I walked across the same stage to get our diplomas back in the day.
Small school... probably friends since we were knee high, right?
Well... not exactly.
That class was a conglomerate for sure as it was the first year of a sharing agreement that now is known as East Marshall. One look at our class photo and you'll see a mess of colors as LDF's red and black is juxaposed with SEMCO's black and gold.
And then there was one odd duck in a orange and black Hubbard letterjacket.
That woulda been Jordan's mother. :)
So we knew OF each other... I actually knew her ornery three brothers better as I played football with Josh.. and basketball with twins Jason and Jeremy.
Jordan's grandma, Sandi had her hands FULL with that many kids in high school at once... and after getting to meet HER at Jordan's session, I understand how she juggled it all...
By being half crazy! :)
We covered the Hubbard issue... what about the H3?
Most of you know that's what I drive... It still puts a smile on my face to see people's reaction when they sit in it for the first time.... Many will say.. "wow... never been in one of THESE before."
Then there was Grandma Sandi.
Mama Micah, Jordan and boyfriend Gavin piled in the back and that left Sandi to ride shotty.
I couldn't possibly do Sandi's reaction justice in words here... but it went something like this...
I reminded her it was JUST an H3... hardly the vehicle that the H2 or the Humvee original were.... but no matter... Sandi's day was just offically MADE.
As I've discussed before, I often offer to "spread the wealth" by letting seniors drive the H3 on ocassion. So imagine the excitement that ensued when Jordan was offered... followed by a decline... and THEN.... there was only one thing left to do.
"I guess that means that Grandma gets to drive then!"
So, for the first time in studio history, a grandma got to chauffer in the Hummer... and you would think that she had just won the lottery! SO FUN! :)
Lastly... we have to touch on the Hawks.
Jordan is a big Hawkeye fan... and her last outfit was an Iowa shirt... which always put the client on my good side. As a season ticket holder... I thought I'd try to find a common thread to discuss during the session and asked Jordan if she made it to Kinnick very often for games.
"Oh... I've never been to a game there."
I felt kinda bad... because I, of all people, know how MUCH the Kinnick experience adds to being a Hawkeye. But that was the deal...
At least for one more week it was.
As it turns out, I missed my third home game in three tries this fall as the workload at the studio has been too great for me to justify the total tailgate, traffic and trip time that it takes to enjoy Kinnick properly. So I put up my seats for sale on facebook a couple days prior to last weeks game with Lousiana-Monroe.
Re-enter Mama Micah.
In a neat move by Jordan's mom, Micah scored my seats at face value and Jordan and Gavin scratched that "never been" off the their lists. :)
It was particularly rewarding for me to get texts and facebook messages from Jordan from my normal seat about how much fun she was having. If I couldn't be there... I'm glad that SHE was.
I reminded her that it was her MOTHER that really deserved all the credit... she ponied up the jack to make it happen... I just was too busy to go... but I enjoyed her appreciation nonetheless! :)
There's been plenty of excitement around this event. It was a reunion, a big life highlight, a football game and HUGE anticapation during the wait (see Micah's "countdown" on the facebook blog for the past five blog entries!)... and oh yeah... we did take some portraits... enjoy Team Jordan. :)

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