I almost always ask... whaddya plannin' on doing NEXT year??
It's an easy conversation starter... where ya goin? what schools are you lookin' at? whaddya want to major in?
There's a wide variety of answers, of course... some really have no idea still... others have the plan locked and loaded.
Katie seems to be in the latter camp rather than the former as she told me... "UNI... and I want to study art."
"Do you wanna teach it eventually?"
Uh oh. I smell a starving artist!!
I think Mama Jodee agreed with my assessment... but reality tells us all that most will change their majors once they get there... if not once... perhaps several times.
Regardless, we've had several seniors over the year, including many this year already, that have a passion for art. I take that as high praise that they have chosen our studio for perhaps the most personal type of art that an individual can have made... their own likeness.
Along with that comes a bit of extra pressure of sorts. Maybe I put it on myself, but it's there. There's no more critical an eye than one of an fellow artist.
So my challenge was in front of me and I hope the art we created lives up to expectation. ;) Full disclosure... I doubt many people that have seen my waistline would label me "starving" in anyway... but it made for a good headline anyway! :)
I have to give a BIG Stewart Photography shout out to the reason that Kathryn came our way in the first place. Stewart Alum, Dalton Behounek, who also doubles as Katie's long-time boyfriend, did some arm twistin' to get Miss Ryherd in the house. My understanding is that Dalton is at Hawkeye Community College in Cedar Falls... and, now that I think of it... it seems like Katie's firm thoughts of going to UNI seem to make more sense than ever now. :)
Best wishes to both of you.

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