Team Megan walked in that included Mama Lisa... Papa Darwin and, well... Megan of course. :)
I knew ONE thing already before either one of us uttered a word... and that was that I WASN'T gonna have any problem getting THIS one to smile!
With a look that you couldn't hang a price tag on, Megan just looked SO happy to be in our studio. Maybe I learned a lesson over 80 sessions into this senior season that while the busy season is coming down the home stretch and the hours have piled up and the tires have worn thin, as they always do... this was HER day... and one she had looked forward to for quite awhile.
I was reminded of that fact as she told me that she, along with sensational senior Keya Smith "stalked your blog like no other!" So, Megan didn't need to be told that I had just celebrated by 40th birthday... In fact, I guess that means that Megz was the FIRST senior I photographed in my 40s! How about that?!?
She had so much nervous energy built up by the time we got to the camera room... I thought she was about ready to internally combust... but with a little time and patience... we got the poses down, didn't we Megan?
So... got her comfortable in the camera room and then we busted outside and, again, I was reminded of the power of the BLOG.
I pulled the now infamous grey card out of my pocket and was about ready to go into my long winded explanation... and Megan's eyes lit up as she interrupted me...
"THAT's the grey card, isn't it?!?"
Whoa... this girl is good.
Even a day with sustained 35 mph winds couldn't keep Miss Dirks down as she finally got HER turn to do what she had "followed" so many others doing via facebook and our unique blog. Lisa and Darwin got in on the act by razzing their daughter and trying to win the battle with the wind by holding a umbrella in those conditions. Ever seen a 6 foot umbrella inverted and a mom sailing through the air nearly helpless to hang on? Neither have I... but I though we were gonna that day! :)
Thanks for your business, Dirks family... Let's hope the 40s were as good as my 30s! :)

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