Something told me I needed to wear Hawkeye gear...
As summer turns into fall, and the 8 a.m. session temps dip into the 30s and 40s... understandably, my wardrobe changes.
It's hard for me to let go of my convenient khaki cargo shorts with a million pockets... but as the mercury falls the nondescript black T sometimes gives way for something more long sleeved... And, I know you'll be shocked by this... but it's usually something black and gold.
A quick glance at my closet and it looks I robbed the Scheels store at Iowa City or Pittsburgh, PA.... so on this chilly morning... I grabbed one of my favorite light Hawkeye jackets.
Call me crazy but when Luke Trainor walked in with his Iowa State jacket on... I knew the football gods were looking out for me. ;)
Now... even though Iowa is starting to put it together, and ISU is seeming to circle the drain, I've done my best this year to try not to be jihadic... not make excuses... not mouth off (not that I'd ever be prone to do such things!)... and the reason for it is that Iowa State beat Iowa.... fair and square... on the field... back in September.
Tough to argue with scoreboard.
But I did have to laugh at our same-but-opposite style that morning... so I uglied up an image for Luke's blog/book and jumped in an shot in a symbolic Cy-Hawk tip of the cap to my Clone client. :)
So the football discussion was aplenty per usual on this day... and if the jacket wasn't enough... we had to slip in a Cyclone T-shirt on outfit three. (me thinks he was just trying to rub it in at that point... but I digress). :)
I "fought back" with making Luke ride in the Hawkeye H3 for some location work... and I tell ya what... if you subtract some of the hurricane forced winds we've been having on some days... it's been a beautiful fall for the most part this year, has it not?
Finally... I forgot to mention that Luke is yet another member of BCLUW's Comet Nation that have flooded our studio again this year. He's watched all year long on our blog as classmate after classmate has popped up on our site.
We've seen lots of originality and fun stuff... I even got a shout out picture text from Luke and friends Courtney, Danielle and Abby after they learned that I, too, had become an honorary member of the BCLUW Ratfaces.
Not to be outdone... Luke had an original idea of his own.
It was time to plank.
Evidently, good friend and Stewart Photography alum, Abby Miller is quite the planker herself... and in an obvious move to one up his good pal... Luke had a request.
We were done... I had already said to him, "that's a wrap." Then he spoke up.
"Hey... I do have one request before we quit."
For those of you that are unaware... a trip to Wikipedia explains the planking phenomenon.
""Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the internet is an integral part of the game.[1] Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.[1] The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Rigidity of the body must be maintained to constitute good planking."
Never one to not love a good competition.... Luke and I put our best foot forward... and the last image here is our first... and perhaps last.... Stewart Photography front lobby planking.
The world awaits Miss Miller's response... ;)

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