Thursday... named Homecoming King. Friday... Homecoming football game. Saturday... the dance. (we'll give him a breather on Sunday...) Monday?
Senior pictures!
Brendan's session was SUPPOSED to be the previous Monday, but his mother, Lisa called in advance and asked if he could bump back.
Because it was homecoming, and Brendan didn't wanna miss a minute of it.
Hard to blame him, huh?
While his senior session went from what would be looked at as a main entree'... to figurative table scraps after being named Homecoming King... we still had a good time.
More than anything, I wanted to get to know the guy.
I, like many others, had handicapped the field... and normally I have a pretty good pulse on the community... and with several connections to many of the East Marshall students, I'm not bad at predicting this thing.
However... this go around... I kept hearing a name... and it sounded DEFINITIVE.
I've discussed in the past about how I can "miss the boat" on some Mustangs as they "sneak in the backdoor" via open enrollment. And that was the situation in this case. So Brendan's ROOTS aren't in the EM district... but he's certainly fit in, to say the least.
A leader on the football field and in the wrestling room, Brendan is clearly well thought of by all the student body... and I finally got the chance to get to know the guy a little better that Monday.
I found a good sense of humor (see the hovering crown)... and an athletic intensity (see the sports images)... and it seems as though he wanted to make sure that he sent his father a message as well.
Brendan told me that evidently, back in the day, his dad had a senior image taken with his shirt off. Naturally then... as son's will do... it was time to show the old man how it's done. So, while we don't make a habit of it... the shirt was lost... and young Mr. Wanatee showed pops anything-you-can-do-i-can-do-better.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your whirlwind ride, Brendan. Congratulations.

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