I've talked before on these pages about how interesting it is as to how we net clients here at this studio...
I had a salesman at the Better Business Bureau today going on and on about how we should be a member because I would benefit from those trying to track me down through the BBB sight.
I called malarkey on that as I explained to this fella that I had yet to have ANY evidence in 17 years of business that we had gained or lost ANYONE due to my membership or lack thereof, in his organization.
Anyway... the POINT is, that we get clients... like many businesses do... from word of mouth...
And Zoe, here... was no exception.
Zoe's mom, Kristin, let me know that she ended up sending her daughter to me because of an old friend of the studio. I call her "friend" because that's exactly what she is... but... actually... she was an employee for a couple of years.
Jennifer DeJong was my office manager for a couple of years and was awesome at her job. While I miss her... she left to do something bold... Try to get her degree from UNI as a non-traditional student. I hope she is doing well with that... but the co-inky-dink thing about this is that Zoe's mom, went to high school with Jen... went back to college in the Art Department with Jen... and NOW is going to UNI as well!
Anyway... small world... and long story short... Jen convinced Kristin that we were the place... and we had ourselves another senior.
So, in comes Zoe and Mama Kristin... and lest I forget.... FRED.
Kristin had asked me in advance if Fred, the cat could make an appearance... I told her of course... but sometimes cats can be... ummm... skittish at best.
I've seen plenty of kitties over the years... and many that think that they are at the vet... and freak out and give me very little... but usually we end up with SOMETHING before our feline friend leaves our presence.
On Friday morning... I was beginning to wonder.
Fred, in no uncertain terms... did NOT wanna be here.
Don't let the first image here fool ya... it was the ONLY one we got in about 20 minutes of fussing, repositioning and pleading... ;-) I told the girls that I've photographed a lot of cats... but none as scared-to-death as poor Fred.
The big fella just wanted to bury his head into Zoe and hide... and while I can't say that I blame our furry friend... it didn't make for a sale-able image. ;-)
We finally got the one we needed... and after several unnecessary apologies... we went back to our "regular" fun.
Zoe was really concerned about how quickly I would get these turned around for her, and while I know I disappointed her with my answer of "sometime next week," here they are, girlfriend. I hope you enjoy!

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