I've often said that weather-wise... that if rain is my biggest enemy in this job... there may be a close second...
Back on Thursday, September 23rd... Taylor was in for her session... I took one look at her LONG straight hair... and one look out the windows at the trees WHIPPING around in the sustained 30 mph winds and said, "Um... yeah... we're gonna do just indoor today."
With no argument from Taylor and her mom Tiffany (who incidentally had a party with tons of younger girls to host that same afternoon), we did just that and focused on the indoor part of Taylor's experience here.
So we got some amazing images done and put on ice, and then Tay made her way back this Tuesday to complete things.
I had told the girls two weeks ago that a morning session in early October had the POTENTIAL to be quite chilly... and that they had my permission to pick warmer outfits as substitutions for round two.
Try as she may... Tiffany was unable to convince her daughter of the merit of such a decision (among other issues I was told!)... and they were back....
...and the temperature was about 40 degrees.
Miss Taylor had some serious teeth chattering goin' on during outfit one... but I have to give her credit... she toughed it out. Fareway's best checker girl and self-proclaimed "non-joiner" took amazing images and I think she could have a future as a lip model for Covergirl... look at those pouty things!
Not surprisingly... Taylor's hair was awesome as well... and that would be no surprise as Mama Tiffany is a stylist by trade.
Thanks for your patience and toughness and willingness to make two trips T-n-T!

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