She was a girl on a mission...
It was a random spring day. May 8, 2010, to be exact. I had just completed the finishing touches on our biggest job of the year by delivering The Dance Konnection photos. It was quiet... it was the proverbial "calm before the storm" that May usually is prior to the June rush of seniors... and I was chillin...
Suddenly the front door swung open, and without warning... in walks Miss Spunk.
Well... Miss Spurlin to be exact...
Caitlin, to those that know her... is a lil' ball of fire. She had arrived at our studio and, under no uncertain terms... was gonna book her senior portraits.
I sometimes hesitate to do that as there were no parentals in sight... but she had part check... part cash... and was READY to put down her deposit and get her spot!
Clearly on the ball and excited about the process... I was thinking... maybe an earlybird? June perhaps?
"I'll take September 30th."
Whoa... I guess we'll have to put it on ice for awhile then... And thus the long wait began for Cait.
One after another came all of Caitlin's classmates... and folks... it's been 20+ in a GMG senior class of just 40-esque numbers. So... Caitlin has been "teased" by having to see everyone ELSE get their images done...
So Thursday the 30th was FINALLY here... just short of a five month wait... and in rolls the Spurlins.
I go WAY back with Cait's dad, Mike... who's an industrial arts instructor at GMG. Back in the day... Mike was my defensive backs coach at what was then LDF-SEMCO High School (now East Marshall, of course). I see Mike now every summer umping girls softball games and it's always fun to flick him the business whenever our paths cross. He knows I'm always keeping an eye on every call he makes!
All that being said... Mr. Spurlin did NOT make the trip on Thursday... but I did get the chance to meet his wife Shelly and his older daughter, Briana.
I knew Caitilin from before as she's been to the studio a few time as part of the EM/GMG Wrestling Cheer Squad. So evidently, if doing over half of her senior class wasn't enough... I musta not screwed things up too badly when she was in for cheer pictures! ;-)
Anyway... what I found when you got Cait, Sis and Mama together... and you mix in a photographer that likes to talk... you have yourself and complete and total YAMMERFEST.
We talked all things GMG until our jaws were sore... and if I learned one thing about these ladies... you DON'T have to guess what they are thinking! It was a lot of laughs... and, of course... we mixed in an image or two that I think shows the fun personality of this firecracker. Check out the 5-inch HEELS on this girl! Dang!
Thanks for being patient, Caitlin!

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