Every now and then... I meet my match.
Anyone that knows me knows that they didn't use my first and last initials as my nickname in high school for nothing. It was earned... and while a couple of decades have passed since then... the more things stay the same.
Translation: I like to dish it out... in large ornery doses.
Occasionally, I'll bump into a senior that is not only as full of it as I am... but makes me look kinda shy.
Ok.. maybe that's a stretch, but you get the picture.
Hayley and her totally hilarious mom, Karla visited Friday morning and it was clear from the git-go that I was gonna be the one being entertained, rather than the other way around.
I had been told by several of Hayley's classmates and/or classmates parents when I had told them that Miss Downey was coming in that she was "so nice," or that "she was a nice girl."
And while I won't argue that claim... I think that what I was NOT told was Hayley had quite the ornery streak of her own.
It was an razor sharp volley between Hales and I the entire session... and it's continued over the weekend as she waited for her pictures to be posted... and while that moment is finally here... the real truth about this young lady is she's all about the TRUTH.
In a year where I've seen more young Christians than ever wanting to make SURE that their Bible or a particular verse plays a major role in there session... Hayley was another willing to wear it on her sleeve.
So not only is she beautiful on the outside... but she's even more so on the inside... and in the end... there can be no greater importance. I enjoyed the session with the Downey ladies like they were old friends from way back... and I doubt that's any coincidence as not only do we share a sense of humor but also a common faith. I was my pleasure to highlight that for Hayley and to give her images that made her look like the classy young lady that she is.
Beautiful doesn't have to be racy or provocative or continuing the trend to always push the envelope... and Hayley proves that.
That's cool in my book.... and more importantly... in His.

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