Most say it... but what they mean is something quite the opposite.
I've mentioned in the space on this blog before that it's common to hear that seniors what whats different. Way out on the edge... wack... attention grabbing... standing apart from the crowd.
I call bull-pucky on that for the most part.
Reality is, most want to look like what the rest of society says they SHOULD look like.
Hip, preppy, stylish, well-manicured, trendy and just like every magazine cover you see while waiting in line at the grocery store.
In the end... most want to look contemporary and relevant... I can buy that. Different? It's debatable at best.
Then you have Rebecca.
Truth is here... at least what I can tell on the outside... she wants nothing to do with looking mainstream. Sure it's the age old battle between what society says she should be... or what her mom thinks she should have on, but in the end... if we were all walking Brad Pitts and Megan Foxes, that would be pretty boring. And who would the paparazzi follow? :)
So, I delight in the fact that she's her own girl. And if she want to thumb her nose at the rest of us and bust out Hello Kitty and a hat... so be it. If she wants to be over the top obsessed with the Twilight saga... good for her... I choose the Hawkeyes... she chooses Team Jacob... or was it Team Edward? Hmmmmm.
It wasn't all non-mainstream... we worked in a family member in Oreo the little Schnoodle. (I think that's what the breed was... schnauzer/poodle) ;-) What a CUTE little four legged friend! In addition, Rebecca's mother wanted to know if we could come up with a tribute to Rebecca's grandfather... so we did that, too. And as a capper... we worked in an AMAZING prom dress at the end that any girl would love to have. Let's just say that THAT dress cost more than her four outfit session and all the pictures that come with it! ;-)
Bottom line is that thanks to Mama Shelley's referrals co-worker DeLee Freiberg and cousin Chris Rhinehart, I got connected with a unique individual that isn't afraid to show it. And for that... I'm grateful.

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