A couple of streaks continued Thursday morning as we photographed our third straight East Marshall senior. In addition to the run of Mustangs, we also noticed that we had our second straight RED-HEADED senior!
The debate between Emily Lyle and Levi Weuve raged on facebook as to which of our "reds" was indeed the best of the bunch. That being said... just ONE of the two of them got East Main treatment.
What's that you say? East Main?
It may be a little known fact to those of you Stewart Photography Blog Stalkers, but Thursday morning's senior just so happens to date the girl next door...
The neighbors that live just directly to the east of Casa de Stewart on East Main Street in LeGrand is home to a curly haired pistol in one Blair Ulery. And for the past year or so... she's called Levi her fella.
Actually not QUITE a year... that comes up NEXT week as the young sweethearts mark their one year "anniversary" which, just so happens to be the same day (Wednesday, October 13) that Levi calls his date of birth.
So, he'll have the opportunity to pick up his book on Tuesday, and will celebrate (maybe just a SMIDGE more) a couple of milestones on Wednesday.
Prior to that, however... Miss Blair and I (along with some assistance from Levi's mom, Missy) tag-teamed on getting Levi taken care of for his senior session.
Levi's other love seems to be of the wheeled variety. Priority number 1, 2, and 3 included getting his pimpin 1997 Chevy Cavalier, his mom's 1969 Chevy Camaro and his motorcycle photographed. While Blair and Missy comprised "Team Levi" in helping me with holding auxiliary flash units and umbrellas, we got the two cars done up right despite the bright sunshine. However... due to parts not coming in, we had to delay the shooting of the crotch rocket... stay tuned for that on a later date.
Levi hardly stood a chance on this day between the three of us flickin' the business to him when he tried to hold serious looks. Between Missy's chuckle and Blair's giggle... not even a ticked off Dirty Harry could hold a stern expression against such odds.
One way or another, Levi found a way to survive the East Main treatment. Did I mention that Mama Missy works for Union Pacific with my neighbor directly to the west?
Small world. ;-)

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