We've discussed how much SOME guys look SO forward to senior pictures...
Ok... maybe not.
However... I think I had one Tuesday that WAS actually looking forward to it...
And just when I had one such fella... he wasn't feeling the best...
In fact, Colton's head felt like it had been hit by a hockey puck on this day...
Dude did one heck of a job of faking it for 90 percent of the session as i told him he had the best fake smile of all time... but, in all honesty... I knew he was under the weather... yet trying his best to not let it show in the pictures.
Speaking of something that doesn't show in the pictures...
Colton is the second of two brothers that have graced our studio from the Boehm family.
Both have been serious hockey players (Colton plays for the available program at Ames High School, despite attending the hockey-less Marshalltown High School). And if I've only learned ONE thing from Colton and his older brother, Logan.... It's this...
Thank goodness that no one has come up with professional portraits that are scratch-n-sniff.
Why such an invention might be handy for an image of a senior girl in a grove of flowers, it CERTAINLY would not be advantageous for any senior that is wanting to incorporate hockey gear.
I've smelled plenty of raunch sports stuff over the years between football shoulder pads and track shoes that were worn sockless by fellas... But, I'm here to tell ya, folks.. .. nothing... and I mean NOTHING smells worse than a pair of hockey skates. Not sure why that is... but, I'll tell you what, gang... I'm surprised that those skates for both Logan and Colton's sessions didn't just skate in on their own!
Seriously, though.... while the hockey gear was certainly ripe, I received one of the neatest emails from Colton's mom Wednesday morning.
While I won't risk making Colt look soft or not macho enough by telling you exactly what he said... I will tell you that after reading what he told his mom about being thankful for her being there for him when he didn't feel up to par, it made me think more of Colton the young man.
I told Mama Jocelyn to soak in that moment of tenderness from her son, because it won't be long here before he moves on to a life of his own... and even so... getting fellas in their late teens to show such a side of their personalities is rare, indeed.
Thanks for hangin' in there with your mom and I, Colton. You were a trooper, my man. And I bet that if I never had even said a thing, that no one would look at your images and think about you feeling below average. Way to take one for the team.
Editor's Note: I failed to include the fact that when I brought up during the session the fact that Colton has Justin Bieber hair, that he quipped that he had the hairstyle first... So... he had Bieber hair before Bieber did!

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