One town, three families, three children each, one week.
All with the same photographer.
We began the week with Marshalltown's Dennis and Jacey Stewart bringing me the third of three daughters, followed by Bob and Jenny Kosbau's third offspring on Thursday, and then on Friday morning, Joe and Terri Allen's third of three sons, Chris, dropped in on game day.
Of the three Bobcat families... the Allen's stretch back the furthest with us as their oldest, Jason, was a film-era senior a decade ago in 2001. Seems like forever since the old lefty was in and I did one of those really cool "double-images" with him in his MHS baseball and basketball uniforms... no photoshop... all in camera. Who knew?!?
Well Chris's images here show just how far we've come in a decades time, because as hard as it was to do a double exposure in camera back then and to get it just right, it now simply pales in comparison to the multi-image sports stuff we do now. (see, Chris... it ain't all bad to be the youngest brother!)
Chris plays outside linebacker for Coach Holdiman's Bobcats and was an integral part of last year's run to the state title game. While this season hasn't seen the success level that made last year so special, they still have something to play for as they head to Mason City tomorrow night as a win puts them back in the playoffs.
So... as you might imagine... Chris and I spent a great deal of time talking gridiron during his session.... would you expect anything less from the guy that led the team in tackles on the state's biggest stage a year ago? I didn't think so. While he clearly is flawed in his thinking by admitting he was a Cyclone fan, I will let it slide due to him clearly being one heck of a nice guy. ;-)
I got the update from Mama Terri on how Jason and Nate were doing... it's always great to catch up with what my former seniors are doing... actually... they don't know it... but I did see both Chris and Nate doing their MFL Youth Football refereeing duties Saturday at the MFL complex while my youngest son (third child, incidentally, but i digress) was quarterbacking the 2nd grade Broncos.
So, while many businesses, including ours, have suffered from just a general erosion of loyalty in today's marketplace, it was refreshing for me to look back at last week and see what I saw. Three families... and nine big thank yous from our family to all of yours.

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