Monday was Luke... Tuesday was Brandon. And just like Monday, we had an impressive young man on our hands Tuesday morning.
Initially, Brandon was supposed to be last Friday morning... but the weather didn't cooperate, so we bumped him to Tuesday.
The weather was much more agreeable on the second go around. And speaking of second go-arounds, it was my second Horbach senior in the last five years. We saw sis, Abby (STC, '07) a few years back and I had seen Brandon for family pics a couple times, but it had been a couple years.
The spindly 8th grader that I saw last go-around has turned into a 6-foot-3 rock solid specimen, and I have a feeling that dude may be playing on Saturday's NEXT fall somewhere.
In the meantime, it was imperative to highlight his love for football... and athletics in general. Mama Chris was fun as usual, probably driving Brandon insane with her picking at his clothes and hair and such. I just love that dynamic. I have to sit back and laugh at the torture sometimes. Number 12 was a good sport about it all morning, however. She might have drove ya nuts... but SOMEONE had to catch your behind the back passes and such, right?
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention my EXTREME disappointment of a new revelation that came to light near the end of the session.
I knew from past experience that the Horbach's are avid Hawkeye fans. Brandon has relation that have taken the field at Kinnick Stadium. So... when I mentioned the "Hawks" and Brandon retorted with a "who?"... as if to say... "hawkeyes who?," I knew something very BAD had happened. Someone has gotten to our man here and warped him. I think it may have something to do with taking part in Paul Rhoads' camp recently. And come to think of it... the quarterback I photographed on Monday is a Cyclone fan, too. What am I gonna do with these guys?
You'll be hearing from me on September 11th, guys. :)

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