Sunday, August 8, 2010

The lo-down on Lo-Rob

Ok... so clearly this is the busiest time of the year for our studio.

Always is.

Seems as though many seniors really like to be photographed in August yearly, and this year is no different. In fact the workload is so insane right now... I can't ever recall being THIS far behind.

Good problem to have, right?

So, I get a chuckle sometimes when my help informs me on occasion that we get a call from a potential client in early August wanting to "get in before school starts."


So... there's that kind of procrastinator.

And then there's Joan Robinson and her daughter Lauren.

This one had been in the works for quite some time.

Friends with this year's senior brochure covergirl, Lauren knew she HAD to go where her HLV friend Erynn had went for senior pictures. So, Joan calls WAY back in February to get this choice spot on Wednesday afternoon.

That's how it's done!

So, we had had a few discussions w/ the Robinson's in the meantime, but their day finally arrived on Wednesday. Up to my ears in jpgs and sessions, it was time to prove our worth yet again.

Lauren... or as I tagged her, Lo-Rob, was pretty quiet... but I knew I could get some images with some sizzle with just a little encouragement. So we got our summer pool lifeguard (or whistle-twirler, if you will) to bust out of her shell a bit and, BAM... look at those images!

I was impressed... however... perhaps the MOST impressive thing to me was her willingness to not just drive the H3 on the last outfit... but, unlike most of our "drivers"... she wasn't afraid to back it up, narrow windows and all... to the studio back door! Hats off, young lady... for your organization, your images AND your mad driving skills!

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