Let's face it... Thursday was flat out brutal.
It was like 8:15 a.m. and Nick and I and his folks bust out the back door... and it was like insta-sweat-shower.
And like me... Nick and his folks share a similarly gauged body temperature. I knew we were in trouble when the heat indices were in the 90s THAT early. Furthermore, a bad sign was when Papa Randy grabbed the pricelist and started fanning himself during the consultation part... INSIDE... in the air conditioning! ;-)
So Randy and I sweat like crazy... no surprise there... THAT's fine... WE weren't getting our portrait made. Nick on the other hand... had the task of looking his best on a tough day. Lucky for me... he's tough.
Big number 78 is in the midst of preparing to play left guard for South Tama's Trojans this upcoming season. It's just around the corner, so football took precedence during the session's discussions. Not all bad, as far as I'm concerned. Additionally, it came to light that the Olsen's are Hawkeye fans. What else needs to be said? Consider the session hi-jacked. Nick and I and dad discussed the schedule... why Wegher wasn't practicing... which games we were planning on going to... games that we had been to. It was awesome... It was The Sports Reporters, Montour-style.
I would be remiss if I didn't give mad props to a fellow client.
Folks... I rarely advertise. Only mailed out directly a couple of times in 17 years... no mall display... I'm terrible at marketing. Period.
So... how do we make this work? Word of mouth.
It's my understanding that Sandra Svacina was instrumental in twisting Nick's mom's arm into bringing him to us. Robbin must have been convinced somehow, and our army of seniors and and senior parents that are willing to spread the word on our behalf, keep us afloat. I just wanted to take a minute to thank the Svacina's for spreading the love... and thank the Olsen's for their business.

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