It was July of 1996... Teri Plants and her family came to Montour. There was a 24 year-old photographer that was still getting his feet wet in the world of business ownership. In that family, there was an ornery three-year old boy... and I can't be for sure... but I'm guessing that that little turd made the photographer's life difficult that day. Little ones usually do. ;-)
Fast forward fourteen years, and that little fella ain't so little anymore.
Chiseled out of stone, Matt made his return visit a memorable one Friday afternoon.
Interestingly, in the interim, Matt's cousin, Allie Wills, just so happened to weasel her way into a job here at the studio... ;-) So, we had ourselves a little family reunion at the end of last week as well. Al took a break from her GRUELING duties as my office manager to chat it up with her Aunt and cuz. Furthermore, we were blessed with Allie mom's presence again, AND, if that weren't enough... get this.... Nick-freekin-Wills made another appearance at the studio. Blog followers will recall Nick having to put up with being tortured a month or so ago for his senior session that was overpowered by his mom and two sisters... I razzed Nick about missing me so much that he just HAD to make a encore performance. Truth is... just setting foot back in the camera room probably made Nick nauseous. We did take a Bobcats vs. Bears image of Nick and Matt that I'm sure the family will enjoy.
Anyway, it was hardly a "regular" session with all the catching up that the family was doing. At times, I wondered if they almost forgot that there was a session going on! Regardless... it was a blast.
Finally, I'd like to dish out a "thank you very little" to Mama Teri. It was the end of a long week of shooting and Mrs. Plants slips this little tidbit in. "Have you SEEN the forecast for next week? It's gonna be BRUTALLY hot!"
Coulda done without that. Worse yet? She was right. Thanks a LOT, Teri!

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