Wednesday morning brought me quite the character in Miss Kelli Strohbehn (pron. STRO-BEAN)...
I got the idea that the girl's hair was important to her...
She mentioned it right out of the gate... about making SURE it looked right... and then later on I was informed that we had an entire BAG full of cans of hair spray... and that she just wanted to incorporate it somehow. I have a feeling that she gets razzed about her time spent primping and preparing to look her very best... not just for senior pictures, mind you... just on any RANDOM day, by the sounds of things.
So, I had all the info I needed and went to work trying to come up with something fun and unique as she and I both enjoyed her self-deprecation. Reality is.. her hair did look fab... and for the record... I'm not so sure that Kelli shouldn't have had boat-load of mascara applicators instead of hairspray, because you oughta check out the lashes on our subject... Dang, girl!
So we had our fun with that... also threw in a short roadie to a neighboring town and fulfilled her request to throw rose petals everywhere (got it in 3 takes, didn't we Kel?... or was it four?)
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention something. Here at Stewart Photography, you've heard me speak lots of dedication and loyalty over the years... and Wednesday morning was a prime example of that from one of our favorite families.
I doubt very much that Garwin's Merle and Carol Parks woke up this morning figuring that they'd be involved in our blog... but they're gonna be!
I've never met the couple... but it's my understanding that they have TEN kids and who KNOWS how many grandchildren... You just don't see that anymore, now do ya? Luckily for me... I've been the beneficiary of getting to photograph a SLEW of their grandkids that are in this area.
The latest was Wednesday morning as Susie (Parks) Strohbehn brought child number two to us in the form of our guest of honor. We had photographed brother Wes (G-R, '08) a couple years back and they have joined Ryan Boege (GMG, '08), Jami Boege (GMG, '10), Jason Parks (GMG, '08), Chelsey Parks (GMG, '10) and Joe Barloon (GMG, '10) all as first cousins that have made it our way for their senior sessions.
So to Merle and Carol's kids, Joe, Susie, Ann and Mary... thank you for your support... we couldn't do this without your help from folks like you!

1 comment:
Megan and I are cousins with Wes and Kelli too! Lol
Lindsey Fisher : )
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